Tips For Protecting And Organizing Your Stored Items

Posted on: 31 August 2023


Proper protection and organization are key when keeping your belongings in mini storage units, whether during a move or renovation or simply because you lack the space at home.   

How Can You Keep Your Stored Items In Good Condition?

Fragile items require extra care during storage to prevent damage. Start by individually putting each fragile item in bubble wrap or packing paper. Place them in sturdy boxes filled with packing peanuts or crumpled paper for cushioning.

Extreme temperatures can adversely affect items like electronics, artwork, or wooden furniture. If at all feasible, choose a storage facility with climate control to manage the levels of humidity and temperature. This helps prevent warping, cracking, or mold growth in fluctuating environments.

What Are Effective Organization Techniques?

Maintaining an organized storage space is essential for easy access when needed. Start by categorizing your belongings into kitchenware, books, or seasonal clothing. Use clear plastic containers labeled with the contents of each box for quick identification without having to dig through everything.

When packing your storage unit, consider grouping items by how frequently you need them. Place frequently used items near the front for easy access and those rarely used towards the back. This way, you won't have to shuffle through boxes whenever you need something specific.

What Are Your Options For Preventing Moisture Damage?

Moisture can be a silent enemy in storage units, leading to mold growth and damage to sensitive items like electronics or photographs. To combat this, place moisture absorbers or desiccant packs throughout the unit. These products help absorb excess moisture from the air, keeping it dry and protecting your belongings.

Proper air circulation is crucial in preventing moisture buildup inside your storage space. Leave some space between boxes and walls to allow airflow. Avoid tightly packing boxes against each other as it restricts ventilation. To lift your objects off the ground and allow air to circulate underneath them, use pallets or shelves.

What Are Tips For Storing Clothing And Fabrics?

Before storing clothing or fabrics, make sure they are clean and completely dry. They should be washed in accordance with the care instructions. Avoid using fabric softener or starch as they may draw bugs. Once clean, fold the clothes neatly to minimize wrinkles and maximize space.

Consider using natural deterrents such as cedar blocks or mothballs to protect your clothing from pests like moths or silverfish. These items emit scents that repel insects without causing damage to your garments. Place them strategically throughout the storage area to ward off unwanted visitors.

Visit a local storage facility, such as Ship Creek Storage, to learn more.